Dissatisfied with the Election Commission's decision to recognize the Janata Samajwadi Party led by Ashok Kumar Rai, the President of Janata Samajwadi Party, Nepal Upendra Yadav on Monday lodged a writ petition at the Supreme Court (SC).
In his petition, Yadav has named EC and others as opponents and has demanded that the EC's decision to give recognition to the newly-formed party be scrapped.
Yadav has also sought a mandamus order from the SC and end the splinters' status as federal parliament members.
The SC has fixed the preliminary hearing of the case for May 15.
It may be noted that Rai had lodged an application at the EC for the new political party on May 5 after splitting from the JSP, Nepal. Based on the application, the EC had given a certificate to the JSP on May 6.
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