Wealthy tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson is spending millions of dollar to take his body back in time to 18 years old. Johnson has 30 doctors on staff monitoring his body's myriad functions daily, according to a Bloomberg report.
45-year-old Johnson is currently spending 2 million dollars a year to achieve his dream.
Johnson sold his tech company to eBay for $800 million in 2013, and set out on a quest to give himself a total physical makeover.
Led by a 29-year-old doctor named Oliver Zolman, Johnson is using himself as a test specimen for many experiments. After building a medical wing in Johnson's home, the team got to work with an aim to give Johnson the "brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, tendons, teeth, skin, hair, bladder, penis and rectum of an 18-year-old," according to the report.
The team is now a year into what they call Project Blueprint, which includes a daily intake of exact 1,977 vegan calories, an hour of high-intensity workouts three times a week, and going to sleep at the same time nightly after two hours of wearing glasses that block blue light.
Johnson rises daily at 5 a.m. and takes two dozen supplements and medicines, including lycopene for artery and skin health and metformin to prevent bowel polyps. After a carefully crafted meal, he brushes, Waterpiks and flosses his teeth before rinsing with tea-tree oil and applying an antioxidant gel.
Each month, he undergoes through dozens of medical procedures, some quite extreme and painful, then measures their results with additional blood tests, MRIs, ultrasounds and colonoscopies.
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