Today, two sequel films are battling in cinemas around the country.
'Chhakka Panja 4,' directed by Hemraj BC, and 'Chhadke 2.0,' directed by Nigam Shrestha are the new releases in theaters today.
Deepakraj Giri, Deepashree Niraula, Benisha Hamal, Kedar Ghimire, Nirmal Sharma, Buddhi Tamang, Swastima Khadka, Raj Acharya, Sushma Niraula, Vedan Rai, and others star in 'Chhakka Panja 4'.
Anmol KC appears in 'Chhadke 2.0.' Rowin Tamang, Kamalmani Nepal, Devkumar Shrestha, Krijan Subba, Devu Shrestha, Resha Aale Magar, Ian Scott Clement, Santosh Mizar, Afran Ali, Nigam Shrestha, Chiranjeevi Adhikari, Kumar Ghalan, and others are among those who have participated.
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