Monthly Horoscope: February 2023

Himalaya Times
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Health will be good. People around you will lift your morale. Absence of love may be felt. Postpone new project and expenses. Someone from your past may come around. You will likely feel surrounded by love and want to spend more time with your romantic partner or close friends.


Be ready this month to embrace positive change. Personal guidance will improve your relationship. Pay attention to what is around you, as a new opportunity may be just around the corner. Suitable time for social functions. People around you might make your time peaceful. Your inner feelings for your partner may pour out. Now is the time to set intentions for your goals and the future. Shoot for the stars.


Be optimistic. February is bringing you some well-awaited internal peace. You may receive gifts from your beloved.  Be intentional with your thoughts during this time, manifest your goals and ask the universe for guidance. Things will unfold exactly as they should, but don’t overthink it.


Observe your finances. Consider taking a relook at your budget or start saving up again. You tend to be hasty with your spending. Don’t worry too much, the universe always promotes balance and good fortune will always come back to you.


February looks like a pretty busy month for you. This month may cause some deep anxieties to come to the surface. Your friends might let you down at a moment when you need them the most. You may waste your free time today on surfing on mobile or watching TV. Your sense of security might diminish during this time, causing you to want to hide.


This will be a very introspective month for you. February will give you the chance to examine your relationships and see which ones are working and which are not. The moon allows you to see the superficialities within relationships and the ulterior motives of others. You may find yourself letting go of people who are not benefiting your life. This month is all about putting yourself first and evolving.


You are likely to face criticism from some people. This may affect your mental peace. February requires you to look ahead and map out your game plan for your future. This is a great time to set intentions for the future and manifest your goals. All good things take time, so don’t get discouraged when your goals aren’t coming to fruition just yet. Be mindful of the moves you make. The new moon can allow you to be hasty and not think things through. Always have a plan in motion.


The month ahead brings an emotional breakthrough, and you may find there are things about yourself you want to change. February will give you the ability to understand yourself deeper. You may feel drawn to utilize these insights to evolve parts of your inner being.


Frustration may arise. Remember to take some time to calm your energy and focus your impulsiveness in productivity. February will bring you some much-needed patience and serenity. This is a good time to meditate to help re center yourself and loosen up your inner tensions.


Have an optimistic approach. You may feel pitted against others this month, especially those in the career parts of your life. Stay cool, and remember to keep doing the best you can do. Your efforts in work and school will be rewarded with time. With hopes and confidence, you would taste success.  So, in the meantime, keep being strong.


February will bring you clarity about your hopes and desires. This month will push you to gain a realistic perspective on your relationship. Honesty with yourself and others is crucial at this time. Things will be easier in the long run.


There will be opportunities for you to showcase your talent. February may attract more wealth into your life if you are willing to work for it. Your career will be at a newfound height from the new moon that aligns with Pisces. This is a good time to envision your future and set the groundwork for it. Wealth and abundance is on your path.

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