Kathmandu, Jan 16: Nepal Oil Corporation has increased the price of fuel to be effective from Thursday.
The NOC has increased the price of petrol by two rupees per litre and the price of diesel and kerosene by three rupees per litre.
With the latest price adjustment, petrol will now cost 162 rupees 50 paisa per litre in the first category of locations, for the second 164 rupees and for the third 165 rupees per litre. Similarly, diesel and kerosene per liter for the first category has been fixed at 153 rupees 50 paisa, for the second category 155 rupees and for the third category 156 rupees per litre.
It may be noted that the state-owned corporation has classified Charali, Biratnagar, Janakpur, Amlekhganj, Bhalbari, Nepalgunj, Dhangadhi and Birganj depots as first catergory, Surkhet and Dang as second and Kathmandu, Pokhara and Dipayal depots as third category.
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