Three children swept away by a flooded stream have been found buried, while a person went missing.
The flooded Jhinchaur rivulet swept away some houses from Athbiskot municipality-12 in Rukum Paschim district last night.
Those washed away by the flood were Hit Maya Pun, 8; Dhanisha Pun, 5; and Manisha Sarki, 4. Similarly, 40-year-old Dilli Bahadur Budhathoki has gone missing, according to Rabi KC, Mayor of Athbiskot municipality.
Moreover, Bijay Sarki, 10; Anisha Pun, 22; Janak Khatri, 29; Mansari Pun, 65; Mexan Pun, 4; Dhan Maya Pun, 20; and Kalpana Kami, 65, have been injured in the flooding.
Mayor KC further informed that as three children were found buried, it was difficult to pull them out from the mudslide. Efforts are on to take the injured ones to the municipal hospital at Radi. Police persons and locals are working for the rescue.
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