Analysis and study of the data recorder and cockpit voice recorder of the ATR-72 Yeti Airlines aircraft that crashed in Pokhara have completed, according to the Aircraft Accident Investigation Commission.
The ATR-72 of Yeti Airlines that flew to Pokhara from Kathmandu on January 15 met with an accident in course of landing at Pokhara International Airport, killing all 72 passengers and crew members on board.
The Commission formed by the government to investigate into the incident has carried out data analysis of flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder at the Transport Safety Investigation Bureau, Singapore.
During the analysis and investigation, propellers of both engines were found to have gone to feathering in the base leg in course of landing. Member-Secretary Lamichhane further said the Commission is carrying out further investigation about technical and human aspects on it.
A press release issued by the Commission mentioned that preparation was underway to come up with a preliminary report along with recommendation to increase aviation safety on the basis of analysis and investigation of information and data received so far. The final report would be published later.
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