The brawl that a group organized in the name of the Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) on the premises of the district court has now become a source of outrage in everyone's thoughts and lips. The supporters have unexpectedly sided with their chairperson, who was held in police custody and investigated on accusations of cooperation fraud, money laundering, and organized crime. The boldness displayed within the courthouse foreshadows how the leaders and cadres of this party would manage the country if it gains power in the future.
At the very least, scholarly intellectuals such as Swarnim Wagle, who will lead the RSP in pursuit of their golden destiny, must have thoroughly analyzed and assessed it. A legal practitioner must argue both for and against the accused. The court is an organization intended to give justice based on the arguments and evidence presented by both parties. However, how can the governing system, judicial system, leadership, and organization be democratic if discussion and decision are pushed on the basis of one-sided arguments and idiocy, with only one side wanting to be contested and decided on? This is the only question.
Only in North Korea is it forbidden to speak out against the regime. Is the Rastriya Swatantra Party attempting to replicate the North Korean rulers and regime? The attack on Dinesh Tripathi, a recognized and senior counsel in the nation who has been tirelessly working for human rights and the rule of law, is thus both condemnable and unacceptable. Hooliganism is likewise unacceptable. Such chaotic hooliganism is intolerable, particularly in the courtroom, where people' final hope for justice lies. The supporters of Rabi is debating the disorderly attack by victims of cooperatives. Even if this is true, it is well acknowledged that RSP supporters are also the victims of the cooperative’s scam. An active female leader of the RSP, who was ready to submit a cooperative victim petition, backed out and rushed to support the party’s president, Lamichhane, after reports of his involvement surfaced. If rumors are to be believed, a game of gathering people in support of the criminals and demonstrating under the garb of cooperating victims may have taken place in Kathmandu.
The allegations against the head of the Rastriya Swatantra Party, who faces many counts of irregularities, embezzlement, and fraud, have yet to be resolved. It's amazing how Rabi, who faced more than nine accusations throughout his stay in the United States, became so well-known, reputable, and trustworthy among Nepalis of all ranks. His numerous illegal deeds have been exposed one after another. The mysterious murder or death of his colleague Shaligram, followed by the unexplained death of the driver, as well as cases of American citizenship, abandonment, dual citizenship, and passports, are consistently nudging Rabi’s credibility. In the most recent phase, he faces charges of coordinated fraud, money laundering, and organized crime.
However, members, sympathizers, and well-wishers of the Rastriya Swatantra Party have not hesitated to gamble the entire party's ranking in Rabi's name. Is Rabi's fortune just derived from the cheap plaudits he received for his forceful presentations as a prominent TV journalist in the past, as well as the breach of journalistic principles, or is there more to this discussion? This subject must be carefully addressed by individuals in government, other political parties, and scholars. Otherwise, how can people be so excited and travel here and there to assist someone for three months?
Perhaps the media has written as much about Rabi Lamichhane over the last two years as it has about others. It is not uncommon for an average journalist to enter the spotlight after reaching the pinnacle of remarkable desire through an amazing personality. Furthermore, have Rabi and his party succeeded in establishing different expectations among those who are tired of the rotation of those who have been in power for the previous 35 years? Has the party garnered such attention and support? Those who believe in democratic practices prioritize democratic techniques. Even if an individual has the intelligence to choose, when a crowd comes together, the situation changes. The efforts of individuals who attempt to stand alone will also throng as a crowd that lacks value. This will surely result in turmoil in democracy. Such anarchy threatens to give rise to a new Hitler and Mussolini, one day. The audience rallying around Rabi, attempting to take the law into their own hands and demanding a decision based on their own words, on the one hand, and the apolitical conduct and behavior of old politicians on the other, may be enough to conjure up the embodiment of Hitler.
The opposition groups, ranging from the CPN-Maoist to the Socialist Party, appear to be rallying around Rabi Lamichhane and the Rastriya Swatantra Party. It is natural for the opposition parties to band together against the administration. In the case of a partnership between the CPN-UML and the Nepali Congress, another powerful group must emerge to undermine it. If a third force is not there, the Nepali people may have to live under a two-party dictatorship for a long time. However, it is necessary to consider why and for what reason the opposition will band together and shelter itself. Unity to defend fraud, unity to combat money laundering, unity to oppose the justice sought by cooperative victims, and unity to promote cooperative fraud. What type of oppositional unity would there be? What would Pushpa Kamal Dahal or Madhav Kumar Nepal's unity look like if they were in power? Would such significant questions have been addressed or not?
If Rabi, Chhabi, and GB Rai are found to be victims of injustice and the accusations are dismissed, the court will rule in their favor. At that point, the government will have to pay reparations. However, if there are charges, the court is hearing the case, and anarchy and arrogance are displayed, as well as nasty assaults on legal practitioners who speak out against it, the accused, his followers, and the parties that support him must bear the responsibility. We must support professional morals and strongly condemn the attack on senior attorney Dinesh Tripathi. Who will be held accountable if the cooperative's victims begin assaulting legal practitioners who support Rabi in the coming days? What happens if a malicious attack is launched against any legal practitioner who advocates for or against a case? An anarchic crowd with no eyes or brains cannot respond. Those who support him from the sidelines, however, must respond.
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