1 More Quake Survivor Dies Due To Cold In Jajarkot

RSS Nepal
Read Time = 1 min

A 70-year-old quake-survivor in Jajarkot district succumbed to extreme cold on Sunday morning.

The deceased has been identified as Bishnu Kumari Khatri of Nalagad-8 in the district. Injured in the November 3 earthquake, Khatri was undergoing treatment at a local health facility, informed Ten Bahadur Singh, ward chairperson.

She had been living outdoor under a tarpaulin sheet since the quake. The elderly breathed her last while she was being taken to the nearest health facility for treatment, confirmed Singh. Three quake-survivors of Jajarkot died due to extreme cold last Saturday.

The deceased were Sugili Nepali, 89, of Junichande rural municipality-4, Dume Pun, 70, of Barekot rural municipality-1 and Mansari Kami, 56, of Chedagada municipality-13.

Among the quake-survivors, extreme cold has claimed seven people so far. It is said that more than 34,000 families of Jajarkot district are spending night under the tent after their houses were completely damaged by the earthquake. Children, new mothers, patients suffering from chronic diseases and elderly persons are affected most due to cold.

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