Tourism Minister Kirati Claims External Forces Manage Parliament, Administration

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Himalaya Times
Read Time = 1 min

Sudan Kirati, Minister of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation, has claimed that external forces are managing the Parliament and administration.

Today, during a hearing of the Federal Parliament's International Relations and Tourism Committee, Minister Kiranti complained that he feels like a 'showcase man' while his office is handled by others.

"Here, the Parliament is run by others," he said, "While others are in charge of the ministry, we are solely descendants in a showcase."

He stated that numerous laws in the tourism industry need to be changed. He asked the Federal Parliament and lawmakers to assist in his endeavor.

Minister Kirati added that the only way to act is to give the parliament more power.

He has vowed to submit and pass the essential bill for air flight safety through parliament as soon as possible.

He also opined that a large number of airports are unnecessary for a tiny country like Nepal.

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