- Krishna Bhusal
Two books of senior Urologist Prof. Dr. Arjun Dev Bhatta have been released simultaneously. Dr. Bhatt's work 'Urinary and Genitourinary System Diseases, Diagnosis and Treatment’ and ‘Doctor's Dilemma' was released in a special ceremony in the capital on Sunday.
Dr. Damodar Pudasaini 'Kishore', Dr. Uttam Sharma, poet and literary person Kalanidhi Dahal, Haribhakta Sigdel and author Bhatta jointly released the book in a launch event organized by the Damodar Pudasaini Talent Award Fund.
In the program, Sigdel gave a welcome speech and Dahal, Sharma and Pudasaini gave information about the book. Literary person Sigdel said, 'Dr. Bhatta's works are helpful for life and reflects the reality about the medical sector of Nepal. His style of incorporating narrative and non-narrative voices to share his experiences about his field of work is phenomenal. Congratulations and best wishes to him for his latest work.'
Similarly, poet and writer Dahal said that Dr. Bhatta's work is an excellent depiction of imagery in the field of medicine. 'Dr. Bhatta's work has a lot of imagery of the medical field, it has the best examples of the field of medicine.' The impulses, thoughts and ideas have flowed beautifully. Dahal also referred him as a person of multiple personalities with high self-respect and morale. He has also exposed political distortions and has opposed the ‘Chakadi’ practice.
Likewise, Dr. Pudasaini "Kishore" said that in a current situation where there are lesser books produced by doctors, Dr. Bhatta's work can be very beneficial. He said, 'Professor Dr. Bhatta's book will be very useful in the current situation where lesser books are published from the medical perspective.' This book will become the 'key book' for the health sector. He further said, 'This book is useful for every household, it is a collectible and it can guide those who have not found a proper guidance for their health problems.'
Similarly, Dr. Sharma said that the popular work 'Urinary and Genitourinary System Diseases, Diagnosis and Treatment' is very useful for the medical field and for the general public. He said, ‘This work is very useful for the people, it is very informative for the paramedics and it is also useful for those who are studying medicine.’Dr. Sharma stated that medical terminologies are presented in a simpler way and the book is easy to read.
Author Prof. Dr. Bhatta expressed the habit and desire to write makes life meaningful, he furthermore added, writing is awakening. He informed that he has published more than 300 articles in various newspapers and has been compiling those articles in the form of books.
The primary purpose of the book is to give information about health in a simpler way, he said, 'The main purpose of my writing is to give information about health in a simple and easy way to everyone. I have published the work with the belief that people will be able to solve problem by seeking information about diseases'. Similarly, he insisted that the work "Doctor's Dilemma" contains the problems and history of our health sector. He said, 'I have incorporated the history and problems of our country's health sector in this book. I have presented many things from the field of medicine in a realistic manner to show where we stand in health care.'
In the ceremony, an interaction was also held on the topic of 'Prof. Dr. Bhatta's work and the current health situation of the country'. Among the participants, Prof. Dr. Bhatt and Dr. Sharma answered the questions raised by Uttam Niraula, Sunil Pant and others. In the program facilitated by writer Bhairavi Bhugol, Ujjwal Sharma, the executive director of Himalaya Times, writer Vinod Dahal, Dr. Avnibhushan Upadhyay, Dr. Isha Upadhyay and other prominent personalities from the field of the medicine, literature and communication were present.
Urinary and genitourinary system diseases, diagnosis and treatment of Dr. Bhatta's work, acute urinary and genitourinary diseases, pediatric urology, ureteral stones, kidney stones in pregnant women, prostate related diseases, cancer of genitourinary system, male impotence, female sexual activity and problems among many others are presented in nine sections. The price of this book consisting 260 pages has been set at 700 rupees.
Similarly, the book Doctor's Dilemma cover topics such as many aspects of the foreskin of penis, male infertility and the role of varicocele, bladder cancer and tobacco, prostate cancer, the first kidney transplant in Bir hospital, untimely death, various types of ureteral stones, a changing prostate gland and a meaningful life spent with a buffalo, in 218 pages. It is published by Oriental Publishing House.
Earlier Prof. Dr. Bhatt has released local words of Baitadi (part-1), natural family planning, AIDS destructive disease of the immune system, sexually transmitted diseases, heartbeat, unforgettable moments, time travel (Jaleshwar-Janakpur Hospital Reminiscences)and Meri Aama .
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