The sitting Chinese Ambassador Chen Song not for nothing had ventilated his inner minds in the recent months when he said, “Nepal is unfortunate to have India as its immediate neighbor”.
He spoke the truth.
The Chinese envoy must have said so only upon intensively reading, studying and felling for himself as well prior to making these highly sarcastic comments against India.
In a way, The Chinese envoy though broke the diplomatic protocols but his speech were taken at its face value as the sharp comments that had to be made by Nepali academia, intellectuals, vibrant media men and last but not the least by those Eminent Persons Group ( EPG) members who were, I am authentically told, some were Indian PM Modi’s direct nominees, instead it emanated from the Chinese personality. .
Most of the EPG members were the preferences and the choices of the Indian regime, many believe.
If so then let’s presume that the report that the entire EPG members may have compiled awaiting due recognition from Indian PM Modi must possess a soft corner for the prime security interests of the Indian regime.
Or else why should they be selected or preferred?
This also speaks of high entrenchment of the Indian regime in Nepal’s political and so-called pseudo academic and intellectuals.
This then again means that those members of Indian choices were excessively close to the Indian regime or for that matter may have “tacit connections” with the Indian Spy agency-the R&AW ( The Research analysis Wing) which, I am again told has recruited thousands and thousands of Nepali personnel from different political strata of Nepal to spy for India as against Nepal’s prime interests.
In this category, I have the knowledge, senior intellectuals, Professors, noted media men and scores of Nepali Parliamentarians who are still inside Nepal’s Lower House.
To the extent that two RAW informers were included in the Prime Minister Prachanda’s fresh visit to China which he visited only after attending the UN General Assembly. This has yet to be substantiated though. However, rumors were very strong then.
To recall, one Minister in one of the Cabinets some years ago was caught red handed informing the Indian media instantly as it happened in a trip by a Nepali Prime Minister wherein the Indian agent-minister too was part of the delegation.
Several Nepal Cabinet decisions approach India first then it is aired for Nepali consumption.
The highly qualified minister later resigned out of utter shame that he had had to experience.
Thus he is still taken as an Indian “mole fitted” in Nepal upper political echelons to spy for the Indian regime.
And let’s presume that he was heavily paid for his grand service to "Bharat Mata".
Even in Panchayat era one Minister used to fly with Government files to Delhi by evening Nepal Airlines flight and used to land in Kathmandu the very next morning to attend to his ministerial jobs.
All put together, I mean to say and warn the Nepali intellectuals that all that glitters is not gold, as Shakespeare has told in one of his famous and widely read stories.
Of late what is in the circulation in the media is that some Nepali EPG members are infuriated enough and begun challenging Indian Prime Minister Modi to receive and accord the needed recognition to the joint findings of the EMP report which included three members from the Indian side.
Or else they will publish the details of the EPG compiled documents. PM Modi remains undeterred
However, the one who reportedly has challenged PM Modi is himself said to be excessively close to the Indian regime.
Yet other Nepali members of the EPG had the distinction of being the “nominee” of PM Modi so what this man may have inserted clauses in the final report/document is anybody's guess?
Instead he may have suggested India even to doubly increase its control over Nepal and its internal affairs.
Sorry to say, such persons could easily be equated with what independent Sikkim’s Lendhup Dorje meant for Sikkim.
Dorje was the one who under the instructions and dictates from Mrs. Indira Gandhi made the Sikkimisation of India.
Later, we were told, Lendhup Dorje died an unsung death.
Nepal too appears to have thousands of such Lendhups willing for the assimilation of sovereign Nepal into Indian Union.
Perhaps they have been assured by the Delhi regime that if and when Nepal is Sikkimised, they shall be elevated to the ranks of Provincial Chief Minister(s).
It is this lolly-pop that has quadrupled the number of RAW recruits in Nepal more so in the political and media sector.
The RAW office in Kathmandu may have made its stooges happy with the supply of Alcohol Bottles to its inner coterie men at time of the Dashain festival.
Some even say that one “Nepali Daily” is being run by an Indian national who hails from Rajasthan, India.
Rajasthan is the more impoverished province of India, I am told.
Social and Medical activist Durga Prasai has vowed that he would expose those handful of Rajsthani Marwaris from Nepal who have tentatively and totally captured Nepal's finance sector that includes Commercial Banks, Insurance Companies, Small scale cooperatives, Automobile Industries etc….
Activist Durga Prasai even claims that it is the Nepali Marwaris who were excessively engaged in the Gold-Smuggling and even exporting girls of tender age to the different brothels of India and United Arab Emirates.
The brothel racket has, I am told, the straight “yes” and approval from the political leadership.
Durga Prasai is on record to have already announced that “come this December”, he will create a sort of political blizzard/hurricane across the nation and mobilize the entire countrymen against the “Corrupt political men and the gold smugglers”.
Prasai’s prime target appears to be the Nepali Marwaris who, Prasai concludes, have eaten the political and economic stamina of the country.
Back to the point:
Today, 1st November, 2023, during my evening walk, at around 5.PM, I noticed two things which speak as to how India is killing Nepal slowly but perpetually.
The first event is related with the great and massive influx of the Rohingya Muslims” in Biratnagar-an industrial town in Eastern Nepal from where they are destined for Kathmandu wherein their brethren in thousands and thousands have already been settled illegally.
The Nepali authorities are silent.
The Bengali speaking Rohingya Muslims enter through Purnea ( and Indian town some sixty miles South of Biratnagar) India-B’desh porous border by bribing the men at the International border with instructions that they necessarily should enter Nepal and finally find their way to Kathmandu via Biratnagar.
What puzzled me was that the roaming Nepal Police men around the Biratnagar Bus Stand were just acting like mere onlooker(s) to the entire influx of the Rohingiyas who were about to board a bus destined to Kathmandu.
Some two hundred plus Rohingyas must have approached Kathmandu this morning, November 02, 2023.
The process has already become a phenomenon much the same way as the Bhutanese nationals of Nepali origin were loaded in several Trucks at the Nepal-India eastern border close to Siliguri in the early 1990s that swelled Nepal’s demographic pattern with the Asylum seekers from Bhutan.
Some have made their way to the USA.
That time India under Rajiv Gandhi assisted Bhutan in evacuating Bhutani nationals of Nepali origin into Nepal.
Some even blame that then Nepal Prime Minister late Girija Prasad Koirala had received crores and crores of Indian currency in lieu of absorbing the Bhutanese nationals inside Nepal.
The Bhutani King had willingly delivered the stated amount to late Koirala through one of the confidantes of Koirala himself.
Late Koirala had approached King Wangchuk in the mid nineties through one of his confidantes .
The King honored PM Koirala’s fervent appeal.
Now the second point: The next horrible scene that I myself watched was the massive access, in thousands and thousands, of Indian beggars ( male, female, and even children) through the porous border at the adjoining Jogbani ( Bihar, India) who were asking for alms from each and every Nepali nationals.
Most of the female beggars were accompanied by their kids below five years of age who were also engaged in the same begging business.
This way, India exports the starving beggars in millions and millions across the country in and around the time of festivals.
The Indian beggars enter Nepal even from far flung South India thus Nepal has to feed the empty bowels of India's starving beggars.
The festival of light is very close which means millions and millions of Indian beggars will find their easy passage into Nepal through the porous border.
The border has been kept open deliberately by the Indian regime.
A rough estimate has it that of the total beggars in India, one fourth that is 100 million or even bigger number of starving beggars are currently inside Nepal who have been draining Nepal to an unimaginable level.
All put together, the Chinese Ambassador was correct in saying that “Nepal is really unfortunate to have a neighbor like India”.
If there is a threat to Nepali sovereignty then it is for sure from India.
The sum total is that India is a permanent threat to Nepal’s existence.
A Nepali if he is born in Nepal never could be a beggar. He will work and earn a livelihood.
The Nepali nationals who are in India prefer to work as a security guard but shall never beg.
If he is a beggar then he is not a Nepal born national. Take it for granted.
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