Karnesh Music has officially launched its first release, "Yo Duri," a captivating love song now available on YouTube. Sung by Karnesh Rajthala, the track features lyrics, composition, and music arrangement by Hem Jung Thami.
The music video, directed by Narayan Pradhan, tells an emotional love story and stars Raksha Thapa alongside Rajthala, with performances by Bijay Deuja, Ganga Basnet, and Sanju Thapa.
Filmed in the picturesque locations of Nagarkot and Kathmandu, the video showcases stunning cinematography by Aman Keshi and Bishal Chand, and editing by Bishal Tamang. Makeup and hair were done by Sanju Thapa, and the assistant director was Roshni Syangbo.
With its rich visuals, compelling performances, and heartfelt music, "Yo Duri" marks a promising start for Karnesh Music in Nepal’s music scene.
The music video for "Yo Duri" is available on the Karnesh Music YouTube channel.
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