Ward Chairperson Convicted Of Caste-Based Discrimination Gets Jail Sentence With Reparation

RSS Nepal
Read Time = 1 min

The District Court Kaski on Thursday sentenced Chairperson of Pokhara Metropolitan City-ward no 24 Bharat Bahadur Adhikari to four and a half months in jail sentence along with a fine of Rs 75,000 after finding him guilty of committing an offence of caste-based discrimination and untouchability.

District Judge Abani Mainali Bhattarai handed down the verdict on Thursday against ward chairperson Adhikari in the offence on caste-based discrimination and untouchability, Information Officer of District Court Kaski Suraj Adhikari said.

Adhikari was punished in line with the Clause 7 of the Caste-Based Discrimination and Untouchability (Offence and Punishment) Act, 2068.

As per the Clause 7 of the Act, a person who commits the offence shall be liable to the punishment of imprisonment for a term from three months to three years and a fine from fifty thousand rupees to two hundred thousand rupees.

Ward Chairperson Adhikari is given 50 per cent more punishment since he is a public position holder.

Ward Member of Pokhara Metropolitan City-24 Maiya Nepali had lodged a case of Caste-Based Discrimination and Untouchability against her chairperson last year.

Likewise, the court has ordered Adhikari to provide Rs 10,000 in compensation to Nepali.

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